Following a stunning intervention from my colleague Tracey Crouch last week Parliament is in the process of agreeing new measures to allow clinically vulnerable colleagues to speak in debates remotely. I have supported Tracey in her campaign, she is currently receiving treatment for breast cancer, and it was devastating to her not to be able to speak in a debate on that subject from the safety of her own home.
I have spoken this week at an event hosted by the British Library on “pandemic and patriarchy” alongside Helen Clark the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Edna Adan Ismail who is the former Foreign Minister of Somaliland. It was such an inspiring event to be part of and a great opportunity to advocate for women being part of the decision making process.
This week the Women and Equalities Select Committee again partnered with the Petitions Committee and the Education Select Committee to discuss the inclusion of Black History and Culture in the National Curriculum. This week it was my turn to Chair the Committee and the evidence we were presented with was incredibly informed.
Evidence Week is currently taking place, which provided a great opportunity to join with other Select Committee Chairs to answer questions from constituents about how we take evidence in this place, and use it to produce reports and recommendations to Government. i had a number of questions to field on topics as varied as the Gender Recognition Act on which my Committee is currently doing an inquiry and diversity in the curriculum. I welcome the input from Southampton University, and also the later involvement from Manchester University, who came on a virtual tour.