Parliament returns next week and I have no doubt that Afghanistan will be at the top of the agenda when we go back. It will be to a fully functioning Parliament, with no more proxy voting and maximum numbers of MPs in the Chamber and in Committee rooms. I am not sure how I feel about that, when we were recalled I mostly wore a mask in the Chamber, and I have spoken since to several colleagues who had covid immediately after the Wednesday sitting. I think I will keep hold of my masks for a while to come.
This coming Sunday there is the annual Earl Mountbatten Memorial Service in the Abbey. Although it will be a smaller service than usual it is an important opportunity to mark the service of a great man who gave so much to this Country. It is one of the events I look forward to every year, remembering his achievements and his connection to Romsey.
Sunday will also provide an opportunity to pop in to the Farmers’ Market in Romsey, which is still going strong and providing a selection of local produce. One of the contributions we can all make to reducing our carbon footprint is by reducing the miles our food has travelled and the Hampshire Farmers’ Markets are an ideal way to do that - not to mention being an easy way to source really fresh food.
Finally it is Second Hand September this month - when Oxfam highlights the need to make fashion more sustainable. I have always been an enthusiastic clothes recycler, and am again committing to a largely second hand wardrobe this month - which started with a sweatshirt I inherited from my daughter, and have been wearing to walk the dogs. Sadly I haven’t shrunk enough to fit into her jeans yet, but maybe by the end of the month.