The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone in the constituency and created huge challenges for businesses. As we ease the lockdown, I welcome the Plan for Jobs which will boost the UK’s economic recovery and protect jobs. The Job Retention Bonus will help companies who bring back a furloughed individual and continuously employ them through to January. These firms will be paid £1,000 per person which will certainly help.
It is crucial that we give young people new opportunities. The Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion fund to create hundreds of thousands of quality work placements aimed at those aged 16-24. The Summer Statement also contained incentives to create more apprenticeships which are proven to get people into jobs. It was disappointing though to hear no mention of the childcare sector, which predominantly employs women. We know that affordable, reliable childcare is key in enabling women to return to work and stay in work, an issue I raised in the Chamber on Wednesday.
Due to lockdown, many of our brilliant local pubs, cafés and restaurants have been unable to operate. The VAT reduction from 20% to 5% for goods and services supplied by the tourism and hospitality sectors will mean lower taxes for over 150,000 businesses and will be a lifeline for these sectors. There is also a new ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ discount policy, which I am sure will be popular. During August, there will be a 50% reduction of up to £10 per head, on sit-down meals and non-alcoholic drinks from Monday to Wednesday. Businesses can register for this scheme and will then be able to reclaim the money from the Government.
The Government has established a £2 billion Green Homes Grant, providing funding for people to make their homes more energy efficient. This will save households hundreds of pounds on energy bills, create thousands of green jobs and reduce carbon emissions.